Genre : Animation
Budget : M€
Stade : Développement
- Kan Muftic
- Vivienne Harvey
- Kan Muftic
- Xilam Animation
- Cartoon Movie (stade “en développement”, 2022)
In english dans le texte
After the love of her life is killed in an air raid, Yara, a young Syrian woman, discovers she’s pregnant. Desperate to bring her child safely into the world, Yara embarks on a long journey to Europe. The route, controlled by smugglers, takes Yara and her fellow refugees on a treacherous exodus via Jordan, Egypt and Libya before finally boarding the boat of The Mute – a smuggler rumored to always come back unscathed from his trips to Lampedusa. But hope soon turns to despair, as the migrants discover the terrifying secret behind this legend: they find themselves held hostage by The Mute — who reveals his true nature. Yara must fight tooth and nail to keep herself and her unborn baby alive…