Mercure rouge


Genre : 1er LM

Budget : 3 M€

Stade : Développement

  • William Laboury
  • William Laboury
  • Kazak Productions
  • TorinoFilmLab (2017)
  • CNC


Un film autour du mercure rouge, un produit aux effets prétendument dévastateurs, “qui n’existe pas mais auquel beaucoup de gens croient”

In english dans le texte
Alex, a 16-year-old girl, has an intimate friendship with Zoe, until the day Zoe suddenly vanishes. To understand her disappearance, Alex burrows into her lost friend’s private life, finding out that Zoe was secretly intent on manufacturing Red Mercury, a substance thought to have magical powers.
Alex enrolls a childhood friend, a boy named Paul, to travel to a remote island where mercury is mined.
But mercury is toxic. Alex plunges into an improbable world where the metal comes to life; where memories speak and belief contaminates the blood like a disease.
Alex’s search for Zoe destroys her health and brings her into conflict with everyone around her. She is convinced, to the point of madness, that magic does exist. But if she is not to die as her friend has died, then she must confront her most intimate fears and discover who she is, now that her friend is gone.
She must face the fact that her best chance of survival lies with friends and family after all..