Les Méduses


Genre : 1er LM Drame sentimental

Budget : 1,3 M€

Stade : Financement

Dates de tournage : printemps-automne 2024

Lieux de tournage : Région Bretagne

  • Ely Chevillot
  • Ely Chevillot
  • Bo Dream Productions (Belgique)
  • Pitch (septembre 2020)
  • Brussels Co-Production Market (Up-and-coming-Producers, juin 2022)


Damien aide son frère pêcheur car des méduses géantes ont envahi le littoral breton. Il ne maîtrise ni ces phénomènes fantastiques, ni son amour naissant pour sa belle-sœur.

In english dans le texte
Damien (42) comes back to his family in Bretagne. He returns to his childhood village after 20 years of absence. His brother Erwan (45) called him because of the severe accident of their fatherJean (69). He is between life and death. Damien plans to confront his father about his psychological and physical violence. For a few weeks, giant jellyfishes invaded the coast, killing the local and family fish supplies. They seem responsible for strange meteorological phenomenon. Their presence is a growing mystery.