Genre : Comédie dramatique
Budget : M€
Stade : Développement
- Andy Sommer
- Andy Sommer
- Cinenovo
Gould Lover s’attache à retracer une petite partie de la vie du pianiste et chef d’orchestre canadien Glenn Gould (1932-1982).
Gould Lover sera le premier long métrage de fiction d’Andy Sommer, réalisateur réputé pour ses films autour de la musique et des musiciens.
In english dans le texte
In the 60’s, eccentric Glenn Gould, the world’s most famous pianist, falls deeply in love with his best friend’s wife. Will she be able to turn him away from his genius demons and contradictions ?
Gould, soon thirty, leads a popstar’s life. But celebrity weakens him. By definitely ceasing concerts, escaping from the vertigo caused by a divided, subjugated and hostile audience, thus emphasizing the precision of studio work, Gould manages to find an inner balance. While in New York recording his last album, he meets Claire. He immediatly falls in love with her. The new stability of his existence is now undermined. This rational and passionate artist must face an intimate struggle so that his personality and his genius survive this love.