Genre : Animation
Budget : M€
Stade : Développement
- Jean van de Velde
- Fabie Hulsebos
- Luciano Lepinay
- Submarine (Pays-Bas)
- Tchack
- Cartoon Movie (stade “au développement”, 2022)
- Région Occitanie (aide au développement, juillet 2023, 15.000€)
- Région Hauts-de-France
Il ne savait pas, lui, qu’il allait devenir l’un des peintres les plus célèbres du monde, il savait juste qu’il était prêt à tout faire pour rester près de son petit frère, Théo. Voici l’histoire de la turbulente jeunesse d’un garçon plus que déterminé, celle de Vincent van Gogh.
In english dans le texte
The young Vincent has trouble following the rules and prefers wandering around through nature, alone or with his brother Theo. But all his parents see is a problematic and disobedient child. So, eventually they send him away to boarding school. Lonely and far away from home, he finds solace in the world of his own imagination, and he writes long, illustrated letters to Theo. Then, he becomes friends with Paul, one of the popular boys at school, who also likes drawing. Paul is Vincent’s only friend, but their friendship is complicated. Vincent finds a way to escape from boarding school using his dream world and imagination. He runs all the way back home, where he finds Theo waiting for him.