Budget : M€
Stade : Terminé
Dates de tournage : août-septembre 2020
Lieux de tournage : Islande
- Elfar Adalsteins
- Elfar Adalsteins
- Gunnar Tynes
- Bersek Films (Islande)
- Polar Bear (Belgique)
- Venice Gap-Financing Market (2020)
- Industry Village des Arcs Film Festival - Work in Progress (2020)
- David Williamson
- Sveinn Olafur Gunnarsson
- Heioa Reed
Adapté du roman de Jón Kalman Stefánsson.
In english dans le texte
The village is brimming with stories, stories of joy and sorrow and the wafer-thin thread between life and death. Like the one about the young businessman who dreams in Latin and leaves his promising career for astronomy and old books, or the one about the translucent boy who carves moorland birds, or the one about the open-air affair in the countryside and the big rock that is chiseled to dust. If you listen carefully we might tell you a few.