Format : 10 x 52′
Genre : Historique
Budget : M€
Stade : Développement
- Nigel Williams
- Wild Horses
- Entertainment One (eOne)
Une fiction qui se passe au XIIe siècle, en Europe, autour du roi Richard 1er dit Richard Cœur de Lion.
XIIe siècle. Richard Cœur de Lion disparaît en mer. La duchesse Constance de Bretagne, mère de l’héritier de la Couronne, se retrouve alors piégée au centre d’une guerre de pouvoir pour le trône vacant d’Angleterre.
Coproduction internationale avec la Grande-Bretagne et le Canada.
In english dans le texte
Richard the Lionheart’s absence and suspected death has created a power vacuum, Arthur his designated heir by law, is being denied his rightful place as King of England by his own grandmother, Eleanor of Aquitaine. This charismatic, proud, ambitious Regent Queen, has no intention of relinquishing any of her power and influence. If Richard is dead, Eleanor is determined that her next son, John Lackland, will be crowned King and her status as the Regent Queen’s will remain unchallenged. Arthur’s mother, Constance – the passionate, liberal young Duchess and ruler of Brittany – is fiercely protective and adamant that her child will secure his birthright and become King of England.
Constance and Arthur are in a perilous position with few allies and, as rightful heir, Arthur is a highly desirable prize. To claim the crown and become the most powerful King in Europe they need to stay alive, outwit the opposition and choose their friends wisely. Meanwhile the Machiavellian King Phillip of France sees an opportunity and is maneuvering to take advantage of the English crown for himself.
Eleanor and Constance are two powerful, independent and driven women who will stop at nothing to place their own son on the throne. Only one can become the King of England.