Princesse Reinette


Genre : Animation

Budget : M€

Stade : Écriture

  • Anthony Roux
  • Jean-Jacques Denis
  • Anthony Roux
  • Jean-Jacques Denis
  • Ankama Animations
  • Cartoon Movie (stade “en concept”, 2022)


In english dans le texte
A great King named Drius dreams of hav­ing an heir. But, Reinette, the child who is born to him, is a tiny girl who can fit in the palm of his hand! At 13, Reinette is still minus­cule, so Drius decides not to install her on the throne. Sad and angry, Reinette runs away. But that night, Drius falls vic­tim to a strange spell that makes him tiny. Chased by his evil broth­er-in-law, Drius is saved by Reinette who takes him into the vast expanse of nature. Father and daugh­ter thus begin a quest, the first part of which will be to dis­cov­er each oth­er. The jour­ney brings them to a won­der­ful world, a place where Drius’ incred­i­ble secret that has been buried for so long is final­ly revealed.